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More About The Author

Krishawna's love of writing was born out of a need to express her emotions following the death of her father when she was only eight years old. She soon discovered she could transform her overwhelming grief into words. She’s carried that valuable lesson with her throughout her life and now writes poetry to bring peace to a chaotic world, speak from her heart, and to acknowledge the raw emotions of life.


When she’s not writing, she enjoys spending time with family and friends, listening to just about any genre of music, dancing, singing, and enjoying life with her family 

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An Excerpt from the Introduction


Thank you so much for taking the time to read this book! I am both honored and excited to share stories of life with you. I believe this book will reveal some of the thoughts, feelings, highs, lows and everything in-between we experience during singleness and in relationships. I hope my poems will bring awareness to the feelings both men and women tend not to share with others but, most importantly, feelings that we as individuals tend not to admit to ourselves.


It is my desire that the words herein will provide you with comfort, awareness, and overall peace of mind, knowing that someone has or is currently experiencing a similar situation and/or feeling. I need you to know that you are not alone! Your feelings are valid, your pain matters, and you are not forgotten.


This book was birthed in a season of singleness, but it is for those who are in relationships as well. Perhaps a brief history of myself will shed some light on what gave rise to my poetry. To continue reading, purchase the book here.

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